【Talent of Tomorrow – 黃之瀚 Huang Chih-Han, Robin 】
ANIWARE相信,人才是企業的基石,具備創新能力的人才更是產業成長的推動力。我們很榮幸跟大家分享,ANIWARE的資料科學家(Data Scientist)黃之瀚(Huang Chih-Han, Robin) 的量子演算法開發獲得國際的認可,在今年由IBM舉辦的兩項國際比賽 (IBM Quantum Qiskit Fall Fest and IBM Quantum Qiskit Hackathon Global),擊敗百位全球頂尖資料科學專家與量子計算研究者,皆獲得首獎。
黃之瀚於2020年7月加入ANIWARE,擔任資料科學家的職位,專注於開發和推動「寵物心臟檢測 AI 判讀技術」的發展。大幅優化心電圖數據判讀的服務效能,讓CardioBird快速心臟檢測服務達到更快速的早期篩檢、術前麻醉評估、心臟病追蹤等服務。在他以及所有團隊成員的協助下,ANIWARE改變過去業界在心電圖判讀上繁複的流程,透過高端數據分析與人工智慧來創造醫療體系的革命。
之瀚擁有豐富的跨領域背景,具有藥師執照的他在2019年獲得台灣大學碩士學位,主修機器學習。加入ANIWARE之前,他曾在中央研究院負責大量生理數據處理、基因體和計算化學的演算法。除此之外,他在許多指標性的人工智慧競賽中獲得頂尖的獎項。在2018年國際心電圖人工智慧比賽 (The 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology-CPSC 2018),他利用AI模型準確偵測各項心律不整的病徵,進而擊敗來自全球頂尖大學與研究機構的團隊,最終獲得冠軍的殊榮。
在今年兩場由IBM舉辦的國際競賽中,他領導、設計和開發了創新的量子計算演算法。他提出了新穎的人工智慧工具和方法,來解決當前量子計算的重要困境,該方法得到 IBM 和量子社群的認可。他和我們分享:「競賽中的核心概念已經運用在現有ANIWARE的人工智慧模型當中,並將根基於此突破,持續優化ANIWARE的人工智慧模型。」未來,ANIWARE 希望在他的協助下,從心臟檢測服務,延續到全方位的動物生理數據AI分析,協助突破各種動物醫療的界限。
ANIWARE believes talent is the foundation of the company, and innovators drive the industry forward. We are very honoured to share with you that – Robin Chih-Han Huang, Data Scientist at ANIWARE, has attained international recognition in the field of quantum computing winning champion awards against 100+ world’s top data scientists and quantum computing researchers in both international competitions organized by IBM this year (IBM Quantum Qiskit Fall Fest and IBM Quantum Qiskit Hackathon Global).
Robin joined ANIWARE in July 2020 as Data Scientist, spearheading the development and push-forward the technology of “AI-powered veterinary cardiac assessment”. Such cutting edge technology drastically reduces the operation procedures, time, resources and effort, makes rapid screening and assessment for health check, pre-anesthesia evaluation, heart disease tracking, and other applications possible. Through the collaborative effort of Robin and other teammates, ANIWARE transformed the complicated process of ECG, revolutionizing animal healthcare system with AI and advanced data analytics.
Robin has a strong interdisciplinary background. He is a licensed pharmacist with a Master Degree majoring in Machine Learning from National Taiwan University in 2019. Before joining ANIWARE, he worked at Academia Sinica focusing on algorithm development for physiological data processing, genomics and computational chemistry. Robin was also winner in multiple remarkable AI competitions. With the groundbreaking AI models he developed for accurate arrhythmia detection, Robin won the champion award in the International ECG AI competition in 2018 (The 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology-CPSC 2018).
In the two international competitions held by IBM this year, Robin led, designed and developed innovative quantum computing algorithms. He proposed a novel AI tool and method to solve the current critical dilemma of quantum computing. This method is highly recognized by IBM and the quantum community. “The core concepts presented in the competition have already implemented in ANIWARE AI models. We will continue to push the boundary forward upon this foundation, optimizing ANIWARE AI models continuously, Robin said. Down the road, ANIWARE together with Robin will extend the power of AI analytics from cardiac assessment to full range physiological measurements, breaking different barriers in veterinary medicine.
#ANIWARE #CardioBird #AI #Data #DataScientist #Talent