謝謝韓國的合作夥伴,讓我們在過去一年之內,繳出了一張漂亮的成績單。截至今年八月,有將近300間動物醫院加入CardioBird生態系,CardioBird報告使用率成長高達422%以上!除此之外,我們也積極與韓國的學界合作,首爾大學臨床動物醫學系的研究團隊針對CardioBird進行案例研究,研究成果在今年5月發表於韓國的期刊(Journal of Veterinary Clinics)。CardioBird與傳統心電圖機器的檢測結果相符,研究團隊也認為CardioBird的價值更能體現在動物急診或是普通科中。
Happy Anniversary for CardioBird ECG in Korea!
Thanks to our local partners, it has been an amazing year and CardioBird is starting strong in Korea. By this August, close to 300 local animal hospitals joined the CardioBird ecosystem. What’s more exciting – our report number is growing by 422%!
Besides, we also worked closely with different academics in Korea. This May, the research team from Seoul National University released a research paper focusing on the usage of CardioBird ECG in the Journal of Veterinary Clinics. CardioBird showed corresponding results with the traditional ECG device and can be a valuable device in an emergency setting or general practitioner clinics, concluded by the research team.
With this great result, we are confident in growing strong in the coming year. Together, we are developing revolutionary healthcare solutions.
ANIWARE looks forward to welcoming more local veterinarians to join our community. Let’s join hands to build a better world for animals, cheers!