Happy 5th Anniversary to ANIWARE!

Happy 5th Anniversary to ANIWARE!

Happy Anniversary for CardioBird ECG in Korea

Thanks to our local partners, it has been an amazing year and CardioBird is starting strong in Korea. By this August, close to 300 local animal hospitals joined the CardioBird ecosystem. What’s more exciting - our report number is growing by 422%!
什麼是心電圖的導程 (Lead)?不同導程的心電圖怎麼應用?

The ECG Leads: Introduction and Applications

By ANIWARE Veterinarian Dr. Hsieh What is ECG Lead? An ECG…
術前麻醉評估是遠離風險的第一步 | 沐樂動物醫院徐瑋志醫師專訪

Minimising Risk by Pre-anesthesia Check | Sharing by Dr. Tsui Weizhi

Dr. Tsui Weizhi Chief Veterinarian of Joy and Smile Animal…
術前麻醉評估做什麼?聽聽AAHA怎麼說! 2020年AAHA狗貓麻醉和監測指南來了!
[線上課程影片]— CardioBird 心臟快速檢查 臨床上之應用

[Online Course] Clinical application of CardioBird Cardiac Assessment

Presenter Information: I-Ju Ho, DVM, MS Doctor of Dr. Dolittle…